
4th International conference "Modern Culture and Communication" (MCC-2023)
18-20 October 2023, Saint Petersburg (Russia)

Saint-Petersburg State University
University of Wroclaw

Publication Ethics Statement

The MCC Conference follows the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible procedures against any publication misconduct. This Conference does not accept any type of plagiarism, which means that any author replicating a significant part of another’s work without acknowledging him/her or passing another’s work off as his/her own are not tolerated and not published.

All authors submitting their works to the MCC Conference for publication as original works confirm that the submitted papers are their own contributions and have not been copied in whole or in part from other works.

Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of three independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of each accepted submission.

Reviewers should identify significant published work that has not been acknowledged by the authors.

The MCC Conference guarantees that the entire peer review and publication process is meticulous and objective.

To participate in the conference, please sign:

and submit your application and paper on the website:

Applications for participation with presentations (submission of title and abstract of the report) are submitted until June 19, 2023.

Deadline for papers / thesis submission: 15 September 2023

The following instructions for submissions must be followed for any contribution sent. Please read them carefully and use the Word template we provide. Then, use the website to submit your paper:

Paper Length:

Full paper – within 10 pages, including references, tables/ charts, and keywords; 
Short paper – within 5 pages, including references, tables/ charts, and keywords.

Important notes:
– The submitted work must be a complete work. No abstracts, please. Use the template we provide here but with the initial submission please REMOVE the author details from the paper (i.e. name, university or company information, and address, as well as any acknowledgments that may lead to information about the authors).

– The submitted paper must be submitted anonymously (without any references to author affiliation).

– This conference has defined a maximum limit of 3 submissions per author (including co-authored papers), but please notice that only one additional presentation is allowed per registration. Submissions beyond this limit will not be considered.

– Images cannot have text along the side of it in the main body of the text. However, if two images fit next to each other, these may be placed next to each other to save space.

Instructions for Submissions

These guidelines include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for producing your submission.

Paper Size: A4

Margins:   Top:
3,3 cm
3 cm
1,5 cm
4 cm
2,5 cm
2,5 cm

Do NOT Use footers, headers and page numbers.

Title: The title should be centered in 16pt Times New Roman, boldface, all capitalized and paragraph spacing after 24pt.

Authors: The Authors name should be centered in 11pt Times New Roman.

Affiliation: The Affiliation should be centered italicized in 9pt Times New Roman.

Abstract: Use the word ABSTRACT as the title, in 9 pt Times New Roman, boldface, paragraph spacing before 42pt and paragraph spacing after 6pt. The abstract is to be in 9pt Times New Roman and justified.

Keywords: Use the word KEYWORDS as the title, in 9 pt Times New Roman, boldface, paragraph spacing before 18pt and paragraph spacing after 6pt. The keywords are to be in 10pt Times New Roman and justified.

Main Text: Type your main text in 10 pt Times New Roman and justified. Please do not place any additional blank line between paragraphs. The second paragraph and subsequent paragraphs should be indented first line 0,5 cm.

Program listings or program commands in the text are normally set in typewriter font, e.g., CMTT9 or Courier.

First-order Headings: For example, “1. HEADING”, should be 13pt Times New Roman, boldface, paragraph spacing before 24pt, paragraph spacing after 12pt, flush left and all capitalized. Use a period (“.”) after the heading number, not a colon.

Second-order Headings: For example, “1.1 Heading”, should be 13pt Times New Roman, boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, paragraph spacing after 12pt and paragraph spacing before 12pt. Do not use a period (“.”) after the heading number.

Third-order Headings: For example, “1.1.1 Heading”, should be 11pt Times New Roman, boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, paragraph spacing after 6pt and paragraph spacing before 6pt. Do not use a period (“.”) after the heading number.

Do NOT Use more than three levels of heading.

Footnotes: Use footnotes sparingly (or not at all!) and place them at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced. Use 8pt Times New Roman, justified. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).

Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should have caption. Figure and table captions should be 9pt Times New Roman. Initially capitalize only the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. For example “Figure 1. Text here”, “Table 1. Text here”. Figure captions are to be centered below the figures with paragraph spacing after 6pt and paragraph spacing before 6pt. Table titles are to be centered above the tables, paragraph spacing after 6pt and paragraph spacing before 6pt.

References: The references must be listed alphabetically. References should be 9pt Times New Roman, justified, indentation hanging 0,5 cm and paragraph spacing after 2pt. All references and in-text citations should follow the APA or an author-date system convention.